24th April 2013, Washington (USA) – A SANDRA dedicated technical session has been held during the 13th annual Integrated Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (ICNS) Conference (https://i-cns.org). SANDRA partners have presented during the technical session chaired by Simon Plass from the German Aerospace Center, project topics related to IPv6 Networking, AeroMACS, ATN/OSI over Mobile IP and SANDRA test bed.
This year’s ICNS conference has provided attendees with a better understanding of US and international Communication / Navigation / Surveillance / Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) programs, implementation strategies, standards development, research, and ICNS technologies. These capabilities enable the significant improvements in safety and airspace efficiency envisaged by programs such as NextGen in the United States and the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) initiative.
The following papers have been presented by SANDRA partners: Seamless Networking for Aeronautical Communications; AeroMACS – the academic concept versus implementation in the field; Analysis on AeroMACS: theoretical system performance and on-field trials; Optimization of Robust Header Compression for Aeronautical Communication; Fault Tree Analysis for SANDRA Fault Management; ATN/OSI over SANDRA Mobile IP network, a way to allow existing ATM solutions to leverage any broadband aircraft-ground link technologies; Simulation Results and Final Recommendations of the SANDRA Concept for Integrated IP-Based Aeronautical Networking; SANDRA test-bed for the future aeronautical communication network.
The ICNS conference is an important CNS event at its 13th year which has been sponsored by: ARINC, Boeing, Frequentis, Harris, Mosaic ATM, Selex Systems Integration; co-sponsored by: AIAA Digital Avionics Technical Committee (DATC); IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society (AESS); endorsed by: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), IEEE; with major technical sponsors: NASA Glenn Research Center (NASA); Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA).
Concept graphic for the 2013 ICNS Conference: